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频道:最新公告 来源:蚌埠家教圈 点击:305 日期:2011/11/28





  向日葵族 sunflower clan

  The term is used to refer to people who, just like a sunflower, always look on the bright side of life and are resilient to pressure as they easily forget about unhappiness.


  赖班族 office dwellers

  Office dwellers refer to those who linger at their offices after official work hours, most of whom are in the country's first-tier cities.


  橡皮人 plasticine man

  "One day at a time" might be the motto for a growing group of fatigued young, white-collar Chinese known as plasticine men.


  考碗族 stable job seeker

  Many people dream of becoming a civil servant or working in a state-owned company because these jobs mean "less pressure and stable earnings."


  榴莲族 durian clan

  Durian clan refers to those ill-tempered co-workers who have been working for many years and are hard to get along with, just like the smelly fruit with thick thorny skin.


  草莓族 strawberry generation

  The term refers to people who "bruise easily" like strawberries -- meaning they can't withstand social pressure or work hard.



  口袋技能 pocket skills

  Pocket skills are skills that are needed in all workplaces, such as thinking skill and communications skill, no matter what industry you are in.


  午饭恐惧症 lunch phobia

  Lunch phobia is a new buzzword widely spread on the Internet. Symptoms include: not knowing what to eat and not knowing who to eat with.


  阿尔法人格 Alpha personality

  People with Alpha personality are those who aren’t happy unless they are the top dogs—the ones clearly calling the shots.


  灰色技能 gray skills

  Gray skills refer to special social skills including drinking and flattering, which are important at work.


  假后返工时差 social jet lag

  Social jet lag refers to the feeling of being very tired when you return to work after a holiday, especially because of changes to your sleeping pattern.


  密码疲劳 password fatigue

  Password fatigue, also known as password chaos or identity chaos, is the feeling experienced by many people who are required to remember an excessive number of passwords as part of their daily routine, such as to logon to a computer at work, undo a bicycle lock or conduct banking from an ATM.


  午间危机 mid-day crisis

  Mid-day crisis refers to the situation when one is in a desperate need for a siesta because they become extremely tired in the afternoon and coffee isn't cutting it any longer, or when it's the middle of the day, and you realize you have a lot to do and not enough time to do it.




区域:蚌山区 龙子湖区 禹会区 淮上区 怀远县 固镇 其它地区
学校:安徽财经大学 蚌埠医学院 蚌埠学院 安徽科技学院 其它优秀大学
科目:数学 语文 物理 化学 英语 历史 地理 政治 钢琴 美术 书法 网球 日语 托福 雅思 计算机 韩语 奥数 吉他 围棋 英语口语 法语 德语 成人 外教 幼儿 作文
